Thursday, March 13, 2008

back country camping in canyonlands national park

hi everyone,
finally thanks to lots of help from nienke, coni's friend from holland, and coni's talents with the web, we have a blog website to share our american adventures with you.

Last week, I went back country camping in the canyonlands national park with my friend Rodrigo. Unfortunately coni could not join us on this trip since she was busy with classes and labwork. Both Rodrigo and I had a sore foot and a sore brain, so we simply enhaled the scenery and enjoyed the utter silence of the desert in the south of utah.
As you can see we were camping barely 5m away from a 600m vertical drop into the canyon of the green river joining it's bigger confluent the colorado. The spectacle was impressive, especially at dawn where cold and beauty dominated (-11C°)!

On our way back from moab we took the scenic highway that follows the colorado river along red towers and beautifull ridges. The road trip was good!

I hope the images will give a little impression of our trip to the south and let you join us in our life here in utah USA.

hugs to all


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there !

This will be a good way of sharing your many adventures in the wild. Thanks for sending the link bro, I obviously found it.

The opening pictures are a very beautiful foretaste of the many incredible pictures and scenery to come.

Thanks and take care both of you,
